Money spent on Books

This graph shows the money invested in books and how this differs among some developed countries. It deals with a lapse of time of ten years and exposes the lines of the country in four colors for a better understanding and expresses the money in millions of US dollars. Showing numbers from 0 till 100.

We can say that is a fact that the country that most invest in books it is Germany, all along from the 1995 till 2005. In this way, Germany had an increase from 1995 till 1999 and then decreased. After that in 2003 this expanded till 2005 from 80 to 95 million dollars.

In the case of France this continually rise from 1995 till the end, with a peak in the 2005 and with positives fluctuations, being the second country with this invested taking numbers from 55 to 75 million dollars.

With Italy this improved till 1997 but it remains lower in comparison with the sore of the last four years before 2005 increasing just in 5 million dollars.

Austria had the major increased of this numbers, climbing from 1995 till 2001 and exploding very sharply and leading Italy having a boom from 30 to 70 million dollars.

If we think in all the lines we can understand that all of these increase looking the year 2005, but with some fluctuations among the years in all the cases.

Finally we can say that the growing in the money invested it is related with a lot of differences among the countries. The policy projects about education, the cost of life in these different lands and the individual contexts of life of the persons are signs of how can incidences in the spending of money. Also the size of the population it is something that should be very visible for understand the possible reasons of this differences.


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