More or less humans

For a really long time the human being has had the problem of hogging the knowledge. Since the simplest way, to the most complex social contexts, there is a phenomenon that has occurred continuously. I am referring about a landscape that comes till the prehistory, the accumulation of meat, symbolic objects or even simple stones with a value addition are the main matter. Do not share, or do not can share an important thing for the people itself for a reason in particular is something that we should study, even more if it is something that is happening until now. Moreover, rationalize if this accumulation produces an impact in the environment resulting in the artificial modification of the world. We are talking about this meanwhile the companies do nothing for stop the main logic, exactly the persons that have almost all the power and the influence for do and produce real changes in a shorter lapse of time. In addition, we must see that the way of developed the social logics it is indeed violent for the gross of the people. Elderly people do not have the minimum resources to get by on their own, a debt for the society that we have to repair not just for an ethic reason but due to the natural course of life and the living things.

The scarcity of empathy is something strong in our society even more in the Chilean population. If we think in that, we should see several defects in the way of realize the daily life. The connection with our specie is day to day thinner, more impersonal and more ironically hiperconnected. This situation can create issues between the people, the countries and even wars for the simple fact of want to live in this huge world. If we think in this we can see a lot of failures associated with the social corpus. But not only this, the social media take an important role for the education of the people, and there is a complex problem related with the left and absence of values. This sensation of impersonality created for the massive social media is hard to change but not impossible, that is why we have to make our best effort for turn it to something new. There is necessary to rationalize about some of the creators of the hate in the contemporaneous context, associations like Identity Action, Social Patriot movement or Republican action, associations with a xenophobic, transphobic and a homophobic touch. These movements must be analyze and criticize, but more than that, eradicate.

Something fundamental for us is the state, and there is where the focus should be and our main tries for change this situation must appear. Public projects like courses, advertising and efforts in the dissemination must be done, and it is necessary for us to ask for it. Something a slightly more closer to the people would be the work in little towns orientated in the popular education, situation that can change drastically this landscape. The education from and for the people, the neighborhood and the articulation of the citizens can be the best way of defend the people that need it. The communication between them, the real communication, the sense of connection and the empathy of get interest about the problems of the others must be the horse of battle in this situation. Deposit our resources in education, programs and community tasks will be the change that we need for make better this world for all the people that live in it but more important that all, better for the new generations that are going to heritage our legacy, our debts, our projections and our failures. Also, as last but no less important, the work in the families, like all process of nuclear education where the beginning of all is the conversation with our parents or our closer family.


  1. There are some good ideas here. you need to work on the progression of the text and maybe the idea of making it more formal. It will be interesting to see the proposal


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