Some people argue that using cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial. Others totally disagree

In most of the classrooms there are always problems related of the use of the cellphones and that is something that cannot be denied. Moreover, it is an object that works for us in many ways making our lives easier and our communication more fluent. This situation of contrast makes us think in ways for implement this with better options in the school and universities where the young people go to learn. Landscape where the hiperconnectivity enters to play in a field full of different overviews and moods for confront the challenge of learn.

The use of the cellphone in the classroom can improve the defiance of independence of it in a world where we constantly have the technology in a hand. Learn to control it and use it just when is it necessary is something that we should know and assimilate from a short age. Also this situation shows how the teachers, the parents and the children are evolving and thinking in new ways for develop the society with this new tools and situations. Since as this, is how we adapt ourselves for the future with the use in classes for search information related with the subject or with the situation like tips or advices.

There is also an overview that views them as the direct problem of the bad marks. How this can take your attention from moment to moment and how this object can captivate you is something that we should be careful with. Some teachers take the cellphones and put it in a box during all the class for security, there are cases of children that record them without their permission and make editions of them, therefore, this tool starts to be more a problem that an advantage for the dynamic of the teachers.

Indeed, we need to be aware that the evolution of the technology leaves us with another challenge related with the dynamism of the new age. Take the cellphones from the children and do not create conscience in them is isolate them and create an unreal context for the learning of them. Letting that in another situation without the authoritarian figure of an asymmetric person these children take the opportunity like an escape valve, suppressing and do not teaching. The real association between the good and the bad it is just the form in that we use the cellphones, think that an object it is something bad for itself It just.


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