Free time

There are too many things that I do in my free time, but I left some behind. I used to practice some sports but for time and another reasons I stop of doing them. The taekwondo and the rugby were some of them, also the sanda, a Chinese martial art that maybe someday I will take again. But what I do now more for commodity and time is spend my time playing with my friends in online videogames, a big change for the other things that I used to do. I go out with they to parties but what I most enjoy is go to concerts. I go to them maybe once a month or two, but I will like to go more frequently to these instances. The place change in every opportunity, from discos, parks, pubs, stadiums and every place that you would ever imagine.

This activity involves a big crowd of people wherever you look, dancing, jumping and enjoying every note that comes out of the instruments. Maybe the most remarkable part is the dance because the people there don’t judge you. All are in the same signal with your happy emotions and the situation create a context that makes you feel very very comfortable. I hope someday be in a concert singing (when I learn how to do it) and making other people enjoy the sounds.


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