Salty days

The salty food is awesome, in many ways give us a good taste before, in and after eating it. Is for that that I like dishes like salty waffles, pizza or another with cheese and salads. My relationship with them it’s a little bipolar, sometimes I love to eat, again and again, but in other cases its like a biologic compromise with my body. Something that don’t give me a real pleasure. Also with the drinks, a sweet drink is cool but one with rude bitter calm the nervous in us.
The Mate, coffee, beer, and other are perfect examples of these and are strong tastes. A acquired taste like I always say. One have to consume it a determinated number of times before acquired a real love for them. Another good point that make me a little more reticent for the sweet food is the diabetic disease, closer to my for my family. The fear for this illness made me take another way away from this class of food.
The gastronomic point of view are so very important and these are ways of show the diary culture among us, from us and for others. These are handmade with a purpose, away from the simple sense of hungriness, but too with only this. In any case we have to valerate it.


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