Childhood memories

In my childhood I used to play a lot with military toys, soldiers, guns and other things related with violent things like swords or bows. A not very healthy way of let fly my mind even more if we think in the development of the children of our generation. In the language school, I mean when I had like two or three years I meet a teacher that liked my personality. That was when she gave me a dinosaur toy that I could put it above mi pen, this object turned into my favourite toy. Also, thanks to that the dinosaurs took an important and very relevant part in my life. My mom bought me tons of little dinosaurs and encyclopedias of them.

These reptiles ancestors took my attention for the oneiric of their existence, how they appear and how they disappeared leaving just bones behind. All this magic situation was, and is attractive for the people in general and even more for a child. Like an anecdote a little funny and like one of my first memories as a little boy, I remember that in the school language I was doing a puzzle with dinosaurs in it, I was sick of the stomach but I could finish it anyway. The thing is that it was my first puzzle, I was so excited that I called to the miss that always was taking care of us, the emotion was so big that I lost the control of my stomach and I puked into the entire toyL.


  1. I have an skeleton of T-rex (toy, of course), and I love it. I never had a dinosaur toy until today haha

  2. I think the most of people had through, in their childhood, for a "dinosaur phase" jaja It's great that you had change guns for dinosaurs and it's so sad that you had puke on the toy ): but at least you can tell this to other people like an interesting anecdote jaja.


  3. OMG! It was a very tragic comic story, but the important thing that still is that dinosaurs still like it, but luckily I do not pass nowadays


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