Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

Is hard to choose one among so many anthropologist and people related to the career, like sociologists, historians and bio anthropologists. The labor of them is also strongly connected to the social body, the human race, what talk us about the enormous complexity of these structures. That is how we can see and value the career of Bronislaw Malinowski, britannic anthropologist of pole origin that studied diverse societies, applying all the methodical rigour to the methods of the study of the culture. Starting his docent career in the university of Yale, he dedicated his work to the conceptual ethnology but after he separate this knowledge dedicating the rest of his career to the social and cultural anthropology. He wrote about differents themes related to the functionalism, also considered the father of this, due to his work that guide to his disciples and students all around the world. I like him because he was one of the first that saw the camp work like something fundamental and very important for the searchings related to our career, spending yes maybe unintentionally three years in New Guinea but after relating his experiences in The Argonauts of the pacific, explaining the circuit of Kula.


  1. Malinowsky is a bad persons :c but his theories about societies are interesting


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