A Subject you've enjoyed Studying this Semester

Maybe it was difficult, but the experience was worthwile in so many ways. My favourite subject was anthropology 1 in the first semester, maybe for the readings that keep in my mind, or maybe for the didactics ways that the teachers used for transmit their knownledge to us, the students. Class to class we had a reading and a short control about these, we had around fiveteen minutes to respond the most precise and synthetic possibly. Also, the same week but in another schedule we had a dinamic class with presentations, dramatizations and activities related with de subject. About the main contents we saw cultural teories incarnated in the readings, visits of another antropologists that talked us about the carrer and another teories of the antrhopology and also about his roots and procedures. But the activity that I loved was the etnography, a work in groups whereby we had to observe and describe the enviroment and the social gropus and their behaviour. We had to go the cultural center Gabriela Mistral, and tell in an inform all the related about the place and the people that frequent the building. I liked this subject because of the variety of the controls and evaluations, situations that guided us better in our beginning of carrer, something completely necessary.


  1. I and the antropology are not good friends jajaja, but I am agree whit you about the etnography, was the best part of this subject.

  2. I agree with you!, we needed in this semester dynamic subjects like this, how not remember the etnography!, we had to go the Barrio Yungay.

  3. when we go to the cultural center gabriela mistral, we enjoy soo muchhh hahaha
    I loved anthropology but in the second semester is better jiji

  4. Oh, I miss the teacher Maria Sol. She was the best teacher ever and is so lovely <333
    I miss the first semester of anthropology too


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