My favorite movie

I never have been a guy that watch too many movies along his life. But there is one in particular that always called my attention for its way of show a potential future, one with aliens, distants worlds and complex relations between differents overviews of see the life. Its name is Star Wars, in particular the first one A New Hope. It is particular how the philosophy of the good and the evil is showed in this and how it can affect a life of a person or indeed millions of people all along the universe.

When I see a movie I think in it like if it was real, that's why I like the terror movies, for the adrenalin that makes me feel. Also movies related with my carrer, with fantasy aspects obviously like Idiana Jones or a movie that show me how others cultures lives. Just like the last movie i saw, called Time of the Gypsies. A movie that shows another cultural worlds with magic aspects the life of a gypsie that heritage telekinesis froms his grandmother. Very very recomended for his social aspect and its soundtrack. May the force be with all of you!


  1. Star Wars is a classic! I love it. If you want to watch a movie related with anthropology, I recommend you 'Babel'.

  2. The Star Wars movie saga have a great history !! I like movies that show culture aspects too, thanks for the recommendation :)

  3. The Indiana Jones' saga is amazing, and of course that Star War is really good to. Now I want to see Time of the Gypsies and related with the anthropology, I recommend you Tomboy.


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